Happy New Year!

WHAT is your WORD for the NEW YEAR?

I looked at my friend like she had two heads when she asked me that question. My WORD?

Yes, she replied, and went on to explain that instead of an intention, their family members each choose ONE word for the YEAR to represent their goals, desires, and focus. Full disclosure….this is harder than it would appear…. Have you met me? I LOVE words!!!

BALANCE, is my final answer for 2023:
A state of equilibrium between opposing forces or action, equal distribution, a habit of calm behaviour, or judgement, mental steadiness, emotional strength,.

Balance (to me) does not mean perfection, or changing one’s entire life, it means, finding the counterbalance when things become crazy and/or shit hits the fan. Living is not about being rigid or unbending….to me it’s about how do I meet this day with what it needs so I stay upright and somewhat steady. Yet the question is “HOW DOES ONE DO THIS?”

Not surprising, I found an answer to my question about balance… in NATURE, more specifically in the ocean.

Slack tide is the hour or so between a high and low tide when water is completely unstressed, there is no movement. It has reached a state of equilibrium, where there is neither rising nor falling. In this hour of ease, even the birds surrounding become still.

Does the tide stay in this position all the time? No….but it returns to it twice a day - when the tide turns and changes direction. The current ceases.

Same with our lives, things are always shifting and we need to be able to find the ways to find counterbalance to assist with coming back to ease – when things turn or change happens.

a) Recognize: Everything is in a cycle
b) Understand: Nothing is rigid – everything is changing
c) Know: Yourself and what state you are in. Where is most of your energy going? Is there imbalance physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually?
d) Notice:What may need to be applied as an equalizing or opposing force (Eg. Am I too spiritually focused, do I need more creativity to balance?)
e) Find: More ease (not perfection) within self after applying counterbalance
f) Accept: This isn’t permanent because the new tide is scheduled to come, and you will again be finding that which will bring balance to that next.

The joy (and sometimes angst) of being allowed to be human, is that we are here to learn about how ONE functions, responds, and reacts to life events and find the balance or counterbalance in every moment. And if we view life as a fluid event that we are riding, as opposed to it needing to be rigid, controlled and fixed – there may be more joy (and compassion for self and others).

This year I have invited myself to find this balance, to trust that everything is a cycle that has moments of ease and that I can play with finding the counterbalance and float in the slack tide.

So if you see birds not moving around me, you know I perhaps have achieved this for that moment….ahhaha!!!

The key is knowing oneself and what you need in every given moment. You and I are learning to find those tools and implementing them…to provide that equilibrium.

I invite you to find your word for this year, and that it will include a dimension of Balance with it. May this year have you understanding yourself and what you need in every moment, more and more.
Happy New Year!!


P.S. If you're also seeking balance, it's not too late to join the Energy, Intuition & Everything in Between Course! We start January 11. 

Learn more

Ringing in the New Year - 1920s style! 


The greatest of these is love…