Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs!

 "Symbols are powerful

they are the visible SIGNS
of invisible Realities."
St. Augustine


This summer I walked and loitered my way through dozens of museums, churches and ancient monuments in France and Italy.  Having read about the Renaissance  prior to arriving, I was equipped with the knowledge that many of the great artists used hidden symbols and signs in their art, to present different meanings than portrayed on the surface.

After studying more paintings, statues, and sculptures than one could possibly fathom — COMPLETE overload set in! I was done, done, done —done with doves, snakes, patterns and finger placements.  Done with Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Da Vinci. 

Hence, I proceeded to the nearest beautiful Italian garden, laid on a rock in the sun, and that is where LIFE found its humour with me!! 

Within the hour, A freaking WHITE DOVE landed RIGHT in front of me, by my feet – without any output of energy on my part. As if to say, “Stop TRYIING to find the signs/symbols in life – it will come to you!!!”  

Has it ever occurred that you see a sign or a symbol everywhere you turn?
Does your mind wonder, “Is this a fluke, or is Google is tracking my conversations?” (hahaha!)
Or does it make you stop, slow down and ponder, "What’s the meaning of these multiple symbols and what is life trying to get me to understand?”  

Many ask, are signs and symbols real? How does it work? When and where do they typically show up? How do I use this and for what purpose?  

Signs and Symbols have been used by various cultures and religions throughout history.  For centuries, icons have been a means of communicating between humans, the Divine, and even the Deceased! 

Some of the most prevalent types of signs are numbers, birds, animals, flowers, colours, money, music, and sacred geometry. Symbols show up in SO many random ways, even in our dreams. And usually, they make themselves known more than once or twice -- perhaps this is because we are just learning (or thick, haha!)

Individuals will interpret symbols differently based on their personal experiences and beliefs. That is the beauty of this. Perhaps it's because life wants to connect to us in a personal way -- unique to one's situation and experiences. IT's not a one-size-fits-all situation.

 How does one begin to understand and become comfortable working with symbology?  

 a) Awareness and Observation: Watch for recurring patterns, images, or words. 
b) Slow Down and Reflect... On what you've noticed and what it may mean.
c) Personal Association: What does this represent to you personally? 
d) Universal Symbols: Explore the common meaning culturally or universally. 
e) Research: Look up the spiritual meaning of signs that intrigue you. Occasionally I will use DreamMoods.
f) Intuition: Trust your instincts! Your inner feelings can guide you to understand. 
g) Discuss: Talk with friends and family. They may provide a different perspective.
h) Integrate Into Life: Consider how these symbols may want to support you, guide a decision, provide comfort, or offer clarity in challenging times.
i) Respect Not Knowing: Not all signs will have clear meaning. Sometimes they may remain mysterious or evolve over time. 
j) Skepticism Is A Good Thing: It has the potential to keep things in balance. Allow yourself and otheres to have an open mind, yet respect different beliefs.
k) Deceased (Optional): Be mindful of the relation of signs tied to anyone who has passed over.
l) Dream Analysis (Optional): Keep a dream journal to record signs that appear in your dreams.
m) Keep your HUMOUR: Don't over interpret. Sometimes we can be so spiritual, we no earthy good.

Working with signs and symbols in your life can be a personal and spiritual journey that helps you gain insight, find meaning, and connect with our inner self. It's a process that can evolve and adapt as you grow and experience life.

I thought my dove experience was the end of it after leaving Europe.
But nope, life began again in full levity, back in Canada! Within days of being home, there was: 

a) An entire wall painted with a dove while I was driving in Calgary.
b) A client came and showed me her new ring: An ancient dove ring. 
c) Doves are flying around my sisters and I as we are biking (NOT pigeons!).

Do I fully understand the meaning of this symbology yet? NOPE, but that's okay, because I trust I will, when and if I'm meant to. In the meantime, I enjoy the laughter that comes every time a dove presents!  

 “I looked in temples, churches, and mosques. But I found the Divine within my heart.”

― Rumi

 Now go, be observant, and you won't miss anything (symbolism or otherwise!). Have fun with the experiment of paying attention to what is presenting around you. 

Enjoy the simplicity and the beauty!

And remember to eat croissants. 



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